Men’s Breakfast

Please join us for:

  • study in the word from The God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
  • supplication and intercessional prayer for ourselves and for others,
  • fellowship, and
  • yes… Food.  😀

Men's Breakfast


You don’t need to be a member of this church to sit, enjoy the company of God-fearing men, and eat. We are blessed that a good portion of those who come are not members. No RSVP needed. Come as you are. The Lord’s provision always ensures we have plenty.

Tuesday, September 3rd @ 0630
at the church
104 S. School St

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday, September 3rd, 6:30 AM

First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
(1st Tuesday of each month.)


All men are invited to attend!
Breakfast is provided.
Simply arrive at the
fellowship hall ready for breakfast,
prayer, and bible study.